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Food Cravings – What Your Body Really Needs

Listen to Your Body

If you are craving something your body is speaking to you. Listen to it! For example, if you are craving sweets, your body may need chromium, phosphorus, sulfur, or tryptophan. Instead of going for a sweet you can take a supplement or find the chromium, phosphorus, sulfur, or tryptophan in the foods you eat. For example, chromium can be found in broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, and chicken. One specific sweet that people often crave is chocolate.

Another craving you might get is for bread. It may mean that your body is in need of nitrogen. You can find nitrogen in meats, beans, and nuts. If you are craving soda or other carbonated drinks, eat high-protein foods that contain nitrogen.

 Some crave fatty foods. If that’s the case for you, give your body some calcium. When it comes to calcium, it is important to know that calcium and magnesium depend on each other for proper assimilation in the body. Calcium is found in mustard or turnip greens, broccoli, kale (basically any dark green vegetable) as well as legumes and cheese.
One last craving that we’ll mention is salty foods. It may mean you need chloride, which can be found in fish. The next time you have a craving, try a supplement or one of the foods listed in the food cravings infographic below and see if the craving goes away!

Food Cravings Infographic 

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