Who should take Digestive Enzymes and Why?

When you consider that our bodies are literal products of the food we eat, the importance of gut health can’t be overstated. Without a healthy balance of enzymes and good bacteria, even the healthiest foods can’t be broken down into usable and essential micronutrients, leaving you malnourished and prone to a host of major and minor health issues.
Digestive supplements and enzymes are designed to restore the balance of enzymes and good bacteria throughout your digestive tract and bring your gut back to optimal working order. Anyone who regularly experiences the following ailments should seriously consider incorporating digestive supplements into their diet.

Throughout the course of your day, do you experience above-average:
  • bloating and gas?
  • indigestion (abdominal pain) or constipation?
  • bouts of acid reflux or heartburn after meals?
  • “leaky gut” symptoms?
  • floating stools or signs of undigested food?
  • generalized lethargy?
  • food intolerances (gluten and lactose, for example)?
All of the above are signs that the body’s digestive system may be imbalanced or deficient. The odds are good that you’ve found this article because one or more of these symptoms caused you to seek answers, so let’s discuss the types of digestive supplements you should be looking at.
Food enzymes (amylases, lipases, proteases, and peptidases) break down their corresponding types of food for better nutrient-absorption into the bloodstream. Supplements containing these essential enzymes, among others, will assist in preparing the food at each stage in the digestive tract for proper digestion when taken between or directly before meals.
  1. Food Enzymes specifically offers a formula that enables complete digestive support, containing the essential enzymes required to digest all three macronutrients: carbs, proteins, and fats, and aiding in the prevention and relief of indigestion.
  2. Proactazyme® is a plant-sourced enzyme formula that aids in the relief of bloating and other forms of gastrointestinal discomfort while providing the enzymes needed to digest all three macronutrients.
  3. Protease Plus targets the breakdown of proteins into essential amino acids, simultaneously aiding in digestion and supporting the immune system by activating the body’s natural “killer cells.”
Our digestive tracts are alive with countless microorganisms: good and bad bacteria. When the good bacteria becomes outnumbered by the bad, whether by the use of antibiotics, poor diet, or illness, it can lead to weight gain, various skin conditions, and bowel issues. Probiotics support the production of good bacteria, which in turn aids in healthy immune system function and proper digestion.
  1. Bifidophilus Flora Force provides billions of good microorganisms to restore the balance in imbalanced systems. As a supplement, it helps to maintain female vaginal and urinary tract health while also being appropriate for boosting intestinal and respiratory health in children.
  2. Probiotic Eleven® repopulates the gut with 11 strains of good bacteria while also providing nourishment for friendly bacteria residing in the colon. The result is enhanced absorption of minerals, improved bowel function, and an overall immune system boost.
While other supplements work to restore balance to affected digestive systems, antacids provide immediate relief to the uncomfortable symptoms.
  1. Gastro Health Concentrate uses the healing properties of licorice to soothe stomach upset and offers relief from acid reflux and heartburn.
  2. Stomach Comfort supports the digestive system, relieves digestive discomfort, and works to balance stomach acid for the prevention of future gastro discomfort.

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